Today with Cool Stuff From Other Makers we have an killer looking carbon fiber counter top. A beautiful epoxy river guitar that is a true work of art and some insanely satisfying machinery.
If you are like me and work with epoxy you love seeing new and cool ways to use it. While using epoxy to impregnate carbon fiber cloth is not something new doing a counter top in this fashion is. This carbon fiber epoxy counter top by Stone Coat Countertops is just awesome. I can’t stop looking at it. Make sure to go check him out if your interested in any counter top epoxy how to videos. Also do not forget to enter into the Custom Pool Cue Raffle.
Do you like or even know how to play guitar? If you do then you know that having a guitar that looks as good as it plays is always a must. While there are a lot of different guitar styles and shapes out there this one really caught my eye. It is an Epoxy river guitar. It is a cool process to see being make and the end result looks amazing. Check out Burls Art and see how he made this cool looking guitar and all of the other guitars he has made.
Last but not least do you catch yourself getting sucked into watching those crazy satisfying videos of waves or crushing stuff with a huge hydraulic press? Well here is another one you can sink your teeth into. This one how ever is machinery and something about watching these different things take shape that will mesmerize you. Check out Machines Factory for more crazy machinery.
Do not forget to enter into the Raffle for a chance to win a Custom Pool Cue, a Custom Vertex Pen, or a Custom Slimline Pen. Limited number of spots available so do not miss out. Click here to enter.